Piko Taro, a character created by Japanese comedian and DJ Kosaka Daimaou sings in the clip.
A song with bizarre combination of words as lyrics is now going viral on the internet and rocking the world.
“I have a pen, I have an apple – apple pen,†Piko Taro, a character created by Japanese comedian and DJ Kosaka Daimaou sings in the clip, clad in matching animal print and busting some serious dance moves.
Even Justin Bieber shared this as his favourite time-wasting video on the Internet with his 88 million twitter followers on Tuesday.
“It is… to the person whom I do not entrust with music to affect a heart,†the description of the video shared on YouTube by Kosaka Daimaou says.
The 40-year-old singer is yet to reveal what this means and whose heart he wishes to affect.
The video has already collected more than 1 million views on YouTube.