Bollywood actress and the Quantico star, Priyanka Chopra will attend the Penguin Annual Lecture which will be held on December 26 in New Delhi, India.
The 35-year old actress will deliver an inspirational speech on the theme ‘Breaking the Glass Ceiling- Chasing a dream’ as a part of the Penguin Annual Lecture 2017.
Chopra has been invited by the Penguin Random House to deliver a speech on the occasion of Penguin Annual Lecture.
“Priyanka Chopra is an icon for today’s young Indians who identify with her drive, passion, intelligence, and charisma. She has been a social media trendsetter and has a massive fan base across the globe.â€
“Much loved and admired as an artist by people in India and around the world, she is also recognized as a global Indian- a woman who has broken the glass ceiling to reach the highest echelons of international stardom, and for her philanthropic work as Unicef’s global goodwill ambassador,” a statement said.
Chopra is currently one of the busiest stars across the world. Her fame has been increased after her entry into Hollywood.
Penguin Annual Lecture was started in 2007 and its motive was to bring leading writers, artists, thinkers and key personalities from India and across the world in direct contact with audiences and admirers in India. This will be the eleventh edition of the Penguin Annual Lecture.
Chopra is currently in the US and she will fly to India on December 15 to celebrate her Christmas with her family and she will attend the Penguin Annual Lecture on December 26.